76. Al-Insan - The Man

1Has there come on man a while of time when he was a thing unremembered?
2We created man of a sperm-drop, a mingling, and We made him hearing, seeing.
3Surely We guided him upon the way whether he be thankful or unthankful.
4Surely We have prepared for the unbelievers chains, fetters, and a Blaze.
5Surely the pious shall drink of a cup whose mixture is camphor,
6a fountain whereat drink the servants of God, making it to gush forth plenteously.
7They fulfil their vows, and fear a day whose evil is upon the wing;
8they give food, for the love of Him, to the needy, the orphan, the captive:
9'We feed you only for the Face of God; we desire no recompense from you, no thankfulness;
10for we fear from our Lord a frowning day, inauspicious.
11So God has guarded them from the evil of that day, and has procured them radiancy and gladness,
12and recompensed them for their patience with a Garden, and silk;
13therein they shall recline upon couches, therein they shall see neither sun nor bitter cold;
14near them shall be its shades, and its clusters hung meekly down,
15and there shall be passed around them vessels of silver, and goblets of crystal,
16crystal of silver that they have measured -- very exactly.
17And therein they shall be given to drink a cup whose mixture is ginger,
18therein a fountain whose name is called Salsabil.
19Immortal youths shall go about them; when thou seest them, thou supposest them scattered pearls,
20when thou seest them then thou seest bliss and a great kingdom.
21Upon them shall be green garments of silk and brocade; they are adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall give them to drink a pure draught.
22Behold, this is a recompense for you, and your striving is thanked.'
23Surely We have sent down the Koran on thee, a sending down;
24so be thou patient under the judgment of thy Lord, and obey not one of them, sinner or unbeliever.
25And remember the Name of thy Lord at dawn and in the evening
26and part of the night; bow down before Him and magnify Him through the long night.
27Surely these men love the hasty world, and leave be behind them a heavy day.
28We created them, and We strengthened their joints; and, when We will, We shall exchange their likes.
29Surely this is a Reminder; so he who will, takes unto his Lord a way.
30But you will not unless God wills; surely God is ever All-knowing, All-wise.
31For He admits into His mercy whomsoever He will; as for the evildoers, He has prepared for them a painful chastisement.